Historia da Roxeth Mead Escola

Hebe Catherine Prior was widowed in 1855 at the age of 37. Her barrister husband, Xoán, was riding home from his chambers when he fell from his horse and hit his head. Two days later, he died. She had to find a way to support herself and her ten children, Entón vendeu a súa casa e mercou a Roxeth Mead House,en,unha gran casa xeorxiana en Middle Road,en,Os seus alumnos eran principalmente os seus dez fillos e os fillos de Masters of Harrow School,en,unha propiedade veciña á casa orixinal,en,chegou ao mercado,en,E a escola puido mercala,en,a súa casa actual en,en,Sarah Mackintosh foi profesora en escolas secundarias e primarias en Surrey durante vinte anos e Claire Blunt,en,Seguindo a pandemia en,en,Xa non era financeiramente viable continuar como escola pre-preparación e educar aos alumnos ata a idade de,en,Tomouse unha decisión para centrarse,en,Só a educación e a escola rexistrada con Ofsted como escola infantil e agora atende a bebés e nenos envellecidos,en,meses a,en,O noso certificado de rexistro Ofsted está aquí,en, a large Georgian house in Middle Road, Harrow on the Hill, and there founded a small school.

Her pupils were mainly her own ten children and the children of masters of Harrow School. To this day, a escola aínda números entre os seus alumnos de máster Harrow’ nenos.

A escola prosperou e, como a señora deputada Antes crecía, four of her daughters took over its organisation. The youngest, Florence (coñecida como Miss Flo), retired in 1932. The school was fortunate enough to pass into the capable hands of Miss Nicholson (coñecida como Miss Nick), who was its head until she died more than 30 anos despois.

For some years the school was run by Mrs Eleanor Elgood, followed by Mrs Jean Vernon. Then, en 1982, Deputada Averil Collins converteuse en xefe, un posto que ocupou durante 24 years. During her tenure, the school had to leave the premises that had been its home for 130 years. Harrow School came to the rescue, providing temporary accommodation for 3 years in its sixth form club.

In 1992, by a stroke of good fortune, a neighbouring property to the original house, came onto the market (Buckholt Casa) and the school was able to buy it, its present home at 25 Middle Road.

Mrs Alison Isaacs became its new Head in 2006. Under her leadership, the school continued to flourish, mantendo as tradicións do pasado e asumindo os novos desenvolvementos e ollando para o futuro.

No verán de,,en,os propietarios da escola vendérono á señora Suzanne Goodwin e ás súas dúas fillas Sarah Mackintosh e Claire Blunt,,en,Xuntos o trío agora dirixe a escola,,en,Goodwin ten unha longa historia de éxito na educación independente,,en,correndo The Hall School,,en,moi ben durante moitos anos,,en,Sarah Mackintosh foi directora en case todas as escolas primarias e primarias de Surrey,,en,anos e Claire Blunt,,en,quen está a cargo dos aspectos financeiros de Roxeth Mead,,en,é un CFO moi exitoso nunha gran empresa de Londres,,en 2018 the owners of the school sold it to Mrs Suzanne Goodwin and her two daughters Sarah Mackintosh and Claire Blunt. Together the trio now run the school. Mrs Goodwin has a long history of success in Independent Education, running The Hall School, Northwood, very successfully for many years. Sarah Mackintosh has been a Head Teacher in both Secondary and Primary Schools in Surrey for twenty years and Claire Blunt, who is in charge of the financial aspects of Roxeth Mead, is a successful CEO International.

Following the pandemic in 2020, it was no longer financially viable to continue as a Pre-Prep School and to educate pupils up to the age of 7. A decision was made to focus on nursery education only and the school registered with Ofsted as a Nursery School and now caters for babies and children aged 3 months to 5 years. Our Ofsted Registration Certificate is here… EY Registration Certificate

Agardamos que a escola siga florecendo durante os próximos anos,en,Debido á longa posición,en,conexión valorada coa escola Harrow,en,As concesións de taxas están dispoñibles para os empregados das escolas de Harrow e John Lyon,en.

Due to the long standing, valued connection with Harrow School, fee concessions are available to employees of Harrow and John Lyon Schools.