
"În cazul în care copiii să devină cititori pentru viață, ei trebuie să povești prima iubire. "
Michael Morpurgo (Laureat pentru copii 2003-5)

Reading at Roxeth Mead School

Reading is fundamental in modern society and shapes us as critical thinking, learning and questioning citizens. Learning to read, and reading to learn, is the foundation for future education success and is the singular most important academic skill of our ageit really is the key to unlocking the rest of the academic curriculum. We love reading at Roxeth Mead School, and it is the main driver for our whole curriculum. We aim to ensure that each and every child can read at an appropriate level for their age by the time they leave our school, regardless of any barriers.

Teaching of Phonics at Roxeth Mead School

At Roxeth Mead, we believe that every child should have the chance to become happy, fluent readers. Therefore, Phonics is taught though a structured programme of daily lessons, most importantly, lessons are planned according to the children’s need to help develop their love of reading and writing.

Children are taught phonics from the very start of their journey at school. We follow the Read Write Inc. phonics programme to ensure a consistent approach to the teaching of phonics. This scheme has been validated by the Department for Education and follows current best practice on the teaching of phonics and reading and educational research about the way that children learn best.

Story Time

Research has shown that if children read (or are read to) for 20 minutes a day they will be exposed to 1,800,000 words in one school year! We make a pledge to our children that they will be read to for at least 10 minutes a day by the class teacher or TA and they will make up the other half by reading at home for 10 minutes

Supporting your child with reading at home

Although your child will be taught to read at school, you can have a huge impact on their reading journey by continuing their practice at home. Children are expected to read at home 5 times a week minimum and this should be encouraged at all times.

Recommended Reading Lists:

Making sure that children become engaged with reading from an early age is one of the most important ways to make a difference to their life chances. We are passionate about promoting reading for pleasure and encouraging children to access a range of texts. We encourage you to use these age-appropriate reading lists to discover new text-types and authors at home. You will find many of these texts in your local library or bookstore. We do encourage you to purchase any from independent bookstores to support small businesses.

Descărcați lista de carte

O iubire de cărți este cel mai important lucru pe care îl putem da orice copil și noi la Roxeth Mead scopul de a promova bucuria de a citi ca piatra de temelie a tuturor celorlalte activități noastre. Lista de cărți anexată a fost produs de Roxeth Mead pentru a promova lectura și o dragoste de literatură.

Toate listele pot fi dificile, deoarece există întotdeauna un anumit grad de subiectivitate implicate, și sunt sigur că vor fi cărțile preferate pe care le-ai citit cu copilul tau, sau ca un copil care le-au fost omise. În cazul în care acest lucru este așa, vă rugăm să-mi spuneți, și pot include recomandări dvs. în listele ulterioare.
Poveștile sunt de natură diversă variind de la cele mai simple pentru foarte tineri prin dreptul la mai sofisticate care ar putea fi citite de cititori mai capabili, și, mai important, de către dumneavoastră pentru copilul dumneavoastră.
coroborarea, discuta povestea și personajele este de neprețuit. La nivel practic, va contribui la îmbunătățirea abilităților de vocabular și de înțelegere a copilului, dar în cele din urmă ar trebui să pună bazele unui interes de-a lungul vieții în cărți.

O poveste bună citit într-un mediu cald și reconfortant va motiva un copil să citească. Un copil poate fi învățat mecanicii de citire, dar fără a înrădăcina o dorință de a citi prin conectarea cu o poveste care inspira imaginația abilitățile devin inutile. Michael Morpurgo consideră că această pasiune a lucrat indeaproape cu copii, promoting this desire to read and enjoy literature, and he argues the point cogently in his article that appeared in The Royal Society of Literature Review (Feb. 2008)

‘We get ourselves all hot and bothered about the teaching of synthetic phonics and the like, and we forget that none of it is much use unless the child wants to read in the first place……….We all know that unless a child is motivated to learn, then there will be apathy or resistance in the learning process. They are much more likely to want to deal with the difficulties of learning to read if they know it is these words that give them access to all these wonderful stories.’

At Roxeth Mead we are endeavouring to follow Michael Morpurgo’s advice, and I hope that the attached list will encourage you and your child to enjoy together as many books as possible.

Happy Reading!

Elmer Stories
by David McKee
Andersen Press

The Gruffalo,
Monkey Puzzle
Room on the Broom

by Julia Donaldson,
illustrated by Axel Scheffler

Burglar Bill,
by Janet and Allan Ahlberg

Each Peach Pear Plum
by Allan Ahlberg

The Tiger Who Came To Tea,
by Judith Kerr
Harper Collins

Where the Wild Things Are,
by Maurice Sendak
Red Fox

The Tale of Samuel Whiskers,
by Beatrix Potter
Frederick Warne

Yertle the Turtle,
The Cat in the Hat,
by Dr. Seuss

The Story of the Little Mole Who Knew
It Was None Of His Business,

by Holzwarth and Wolf Erlbruch

The Very Hungry Caterpillar,
by Eric Carle

Whatever Next
The Large Family Series
by Jill Murphy
Walker Books Ltd.

Dear Zoo
Oh Dear

by Rod Campbell
Campbell Books Ltd.

Owl Babies
Farmer Duck
Nu poți dormi Little Bear

de Jez Alborough
Harper Collins

Povestiri daisy
de Jane Simmons
livada Cărți

Sări peste Oceanul
de Floella Benjamin
Frances Lincoln copii Carti

Big gura largă broasca
de Anna M Larranaga
Muc de lumânare

Se trece Jam Jim
de Kaye Umansky și Margaret Chamberlain
Red Fox

Ziua Colourful câinelui
Emma Dodd

George și Dragonul
de Chris Wormell
Red Fox

povestiri Fergus
de Tony Maddox
Piccadilly Press

Numărul rimează to Say and Play
de către Opal Dunn
Frances Lincoln copii Carti

Am uitat să spun Te iubesc
de Miriam Moss
livada Cărți

Surpriza lui Handa
Hen Handa lui
Eileen Brown de către
walker Cărți

Big Ursul foame
Don și Audrey Wood
Joc de copil

Vom merge pe un urs Hunt
de Michael Rosen
walker Cărți

cele Twits,
Danny, campion al lumii,
Minunatele Medicina George
Charlie si fabrica de ciocolata,
revoltătoare Rhymes,

de Roald Dahl

Charlotte’s Webb,
by EB White

The Story of Babar,
by Jean de Brunhoff

by AA Milne, illustrated by EH Shepherd

Stig of the Dump,
by Clive King

Ballet Shoes,
by Noel Streatfield

Howl’s Moving Castle,
by Dianna Wynne Jones
Harper Collins

Just So Stories,
by Rudyard Kipling

The Borrowers,
by Mary Norton

The Magic Faraway Tree,
by Enid Blyton

Underwater Adventure,
by Willard Price
Red Fox

Tintin in Tibet,
by Herge

The Complete Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales

Erik the Viking,
by Terry Jones,
illustrated by Michael Foreman

Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats,
by TS Eliot
Faber & Faber

The Iron Man,
by Ted Hughes
Faber & Faber

The Owl and the Pussycat,
by Edward Lear

The Wind in the Willows,
by Kenneth Graham

The Worst Witch Collection
by Jill Murphy

Peter Pan,
by JM Barrie

Mr Majeika,
by Humphrey Carpenter

The Water Babies,
by Charles Kingsley

A Little Princess,
The Secret Garden,
by Frances Hodgson Burnett

Pippi Longstocking,
by Astrid Lindgren

Bambert’s Book of Missing Stories
by Rheinhardt Jung

The Firework-maker’s Daughter,
The Scarecrow and his Servant

by Philip Pullman
Random House

Tom’s Midnight Garden,
by Philippa Pearce

The Sword in the Stone,
by TH White

The Chronicles of Narnia,
by CS Lewis

Clarice Bean, Don’t Look Now,
by Lauren Child
livada Cărți

The Railway Children,
by E Nesbit

The Selfish Giant,
by Oscar Wilde

Black Beauty,
by Anna Sewell
Puffin Classics

Just William,
by Richmal Crompton

Jennings Goes to School
by Anthony Buckeridge
House of Stratus

Comet in Moominland,
by Tove Jansson

The Bad Beginning,
By Lemony Snicket

Alice in Wonderland and
Through the Looking Glass,

by Lewis Carroll
Penguin Classics