
Your child’s ‘Learning Journey’ begins in Early Years. Early Years is the bedrock of all learning and is a critical stage of your child’s development.

Curriculum AimAt Roxeth Mead School our vision is to create an environment which encourages its children to be successful learners, confident individuals and to achieve personal success. The building blocks of learning, which make up ROXETH are the foundations on which our curriculum is built. Our aim is that these elements run through every lesson, experience and opportunity.

Naš učni načrt to omogoča,,en,ponudbe,,en,priložnost - to je ambiciozno in ustvarja nepozabne trenutke,,en,strahospoštovanje in čudenje ter radostne izkušnje za vse,,en,cellence - v vsem, kar počnemo, vključno s kakovostjo in dosežki,,en,vključevanje dejavnosti, ki ustvarjajo navdušenje in veselje do učenja, ki bo trajalo dolgo življenje,,en / offers:

Respect – activities rooted in respect of others and our surroundings

Opportunity – that is ambitious and creates memorable moments, awe and wonder and joyful experiences for all

eXcellence – in all that we do including quality and attainment

Engaging activities that create enthusiasm and a joy of learning that will last life long

Transferable Skills – cultivating skills that can be applied in a range of contexts

Humour activities that enable fun and laughter


Our Curriculum Intent

  • Pupils will develop language acquisition and expand their vocabulary in order to become confident and effective communicators.
  • Pupils will extend their understanding in personal, social and emotional development in order to become resilient and self assured learners.
  • Pupils will be taught how to manage their feelings and behaviour in a range of situations.
  • Pupils will develop their knowledge in early literacy and mathematics.
  • Pupils will acquire a range of physical key skills including: rolling, bowling, throwing, catching, fine and gross motor control.
  • Pupils will acquire a range of artistic key skills including: drawing, painting, collage, sculpture, textiles, printing.
  • Pupils will explore the world around them and deepen their understanding of living things and the environment.
  • Pupils will experience a curriculum immersed in story and literature.
  • Pupils will begin to transfer their learning (taught skills) into the wider environment especially the outdoors and become competent problem solvers.

The Early Years curriculum is delivered through:

  • ​Well planned and purposeful play based activities
  • Teacher directed lessons and learning activities
  • Child led activities
  • Opportunities for exploration, choice and decision making by the children
  • Well resourced indoor and outdoor environments


Early Years Framework

Učni načrt na Roxeth Mead se drži,en,Fundacija zgodnjih let,en,'Eyfs',is,okvir,en,Ta izobraževalni okvir določa vlada Združenega kraljestva, njegovo izvajanje pa nadzira in oceni,en,Za izvajanje okvira je odvisno od posameznih vrtcev, kot je Roxeth, in si prizadevamo, da bi to storili na optimalen način,en,Vse to je doseženo v stresu,en,sproščen način,en,skoraj v celoti z aktivno igro v naših otroških in predšolskih prostorih ter na bolj strukturiran način na,en,Sobe,en,Zagotavljanje, da so otroci pripravljeni na prenos v šolo in sprejemno leto,en,Ta pristop naredi učenje naravno - in izjemno zabavno,en,»Otroci se učijo z vodenjem lastne igre,en,in s sodelovanjem v igri, ki jo vodijo odrasli. ",en,Oddelek za izobraževanje,en Early Years Foundation Stage (‘EYFS’) framework. This educational framework is specified by the UK Government and its implementation is overseen and appraised by Ofsted. It’s down to individual nurseries like Roxeth to implement the framework and we strive to do so in the optimum way. This is all achieved in a stress-free, relaxed way, almost entirely through active play in our Toddler and Pre-school Rooms and in a more structured way in the Nursery Rooms, ensuring children are ready for transfer to school and the Reception year. This approach makes learning natural — and immense fun!

“Children learn by leading their own play, and by taking part in play which is guided by adults.” (Department for Education).

Učni načrt EYFS zajema vsa kritično pomembna področja učenja in razvoja za dojenčke,en,od rojstva,en,do otrok, starih,en,Kot tak,en,To je popolnoma primerno za otroke v vrtcu Roxeth,en,The,en,Glavna področja učnega načrta,en,ključna področja v učnem načrtu zgodnjih let,en,Tej vključujejo,en,Področja 'Prime', ki,en,Po drugi strani,en,preostale štiri povezovanje in izboljšanje - vsak pomaga izboljšati drugo,en,Komunikacija,en,Jezik,en,je prvo od treh glavnih področij našega učnega načrta, ki temelji na EYFS,en,Brez dobrega komunikacij in jezikovnih znanj,en,Vsa druga področja učenja bi lahko trpela,en,Torej so to kritično pomembne veščine, ki jih otroci obvladajo v zgodnjih letih,en (from birth) up to children aged 5. As such, it’s a perfect fit for children at Roxeth Nursery.

The 3 Prime Areas of the Curriculum

There are 7 key areas within the early years curriculum. These include 3 ‘prime’ areas which, in turn, interconnect and enhance the remaining four — each helping to improve the other.

  • Communication & Language is the first of the three prime areas of our EYFS-based curriculum. Without good communication and language skills, all other areas of learning could suffer, so these are critically important skills for children to master in their early years. Osebje v vrtcu zato spodbuja bogato komunikacijo med osebjem in otroki - in od vrstnikov do vrstnika - že od prvega dne, ko se pridružijo vrtcu,en,Jezikovne in komunikacijske veščine naravno rastejo do otrok z vključevanjem,en,Zabavne dejavnosti, kot je igranje vlog,en,Igre pripovedovanja zgodb in vprašanj in odgovorov,en,Visoko kakovostne knjige in drugi bogati,en,branje,en,Materiali so zaposleni tudi za branje z otroki v,en,interaktivno,en,Uporaba tovrstnih pristopov pomaga otrokom pri spoznavanju novega besedišča in slovnice,en,izboljšati branje in razumevanje ter skoraj brez napora razširiti njihove jezikovne in komunikacijske veščine, ko rastejo,en,Fizični razvoj,en,je drugo od glavnih področij učnega načrta, ki temelji na EYFS,en,V tej formativni dobi,en. Language and communication skills grow naturally to children through engaging, fun activities like role-play, story-telling and question-and-answer games. High quality books and other rich reading materials are also employed by staff to read with children in an interactive Using these kind of approaches helps children to learn new vocabulary and grammar, to improve reading and comprehension and to almost effortlessly broaden their language and communication skills as they grow.
  • Physical Development is the second of the prime areas of the nursery’s EYFS-based curriculum. At this formative age, majhni otroci hitro rastejo in se razvijajo,en,Torej je njihov hitrost telesnega razvoja pomemben,en,Zato bo osebje vrtcev v Roxethu storilo vse, da bi zagotovili optimalno zdravje,en,dobro počutje,en,moč,en,Koordinacija in kondicija med otroki na vsaki stopnji,en,Vse to se postopno izvaja s programom za fizični razvoj, ki je po meri zasnovan za vsakega posameznega otroka,en,Ta prilagojen program upošteva njihove naravne sposobnosti,en,preference in,en,seveda,en,kakršne koli invalidnosti ali omejitve,en,Ko rastejo,en,Program zabave,en,Fizične dejavnosti bodo pomagale vsakemu otroku, da doseže svoje osebne moči za lastnosti, kot je fitnes,en,ravnovesje,en,Koordinacija,en,Koordinacija rok-oči,en,okretnost in prostorsko ozaveščenost,en,Te fizične izboljšave bodo pomagale pri njihovem splošnem počutju in sreči,en,In,en, so their physical development pace is significant. That’s why nursery staff at Roxeth will do everything they can to ensure optimal health, wellbeing, strength, coordination and fitness among the children at every stage. This is all done incrementally through a physical development programme that’s custom-designed for each individual child. This tailored programme takes consideration of their natural abilities, preferences and, of course, any disabilities or limitations. As they grow, the programme of fun, physical activities will help every child to reach their own personal bests for traits like fitness, balance, coordination, hand-eye coordination, agility and spatial awareness. In turn these physical improvements will help with their general wellbeing and happiness. And, ves čas,en,Otroci se bodo izjemno zabavali,en,sprijačevanje in izboljšanje socialnih veščin,en,samozavest in več na poti,en,Osebno,en,Socialni,en,Čustveni razvoj,en,"Psed",en,je tretja od treh glavnih področij našega učnega načrta,en,osebno,en,Del tega želi zagotoviti, da lahko otroci sami skrbijo za vidike svojega življenja,en,neodvisno upravljanje osebnih potreb, kot je čistoča,en,Toaletni trening,en,zdrava prehrana in tako naprej,en,socialni,en,čustveno,en,Njegovi vidiki želijo pomagati otrokom, da se ujemajo z odraslimi in vrstniki okoli njih,en,podprite drug drugega,en,sami se počutijo podprte in skupaj se naučijo upravljati s čustvi in ​​se obnašajo v sprejemljivem,en,ustrezne načine,en,Ko se naučijo vse to,en,Postali bodo bolj samozavestni,en,počutite se upravičeno cenjeno,en, the children will have been having immense fun, making friends and improving social skills, self-confidence and more along the way.
  • Personal, Social & Emotional Development(‘PSED’) is the third of the three prime areas of our curriculum. The personal part of it aims to ensure that children can look after aspects of their lives themselves, independently managing personal needs like cleanliness, toilet training, healthy eating and so on. The social and emotional aspects of it aim to help children fit in with adults and peers around them, support one another, themselves feel supported by others and together learn to manage emotions and behave in acceptable, appropriate ways. As they learn to do all of this, they will become more confident, feel rightly valued, lažje rešite morebitne konflikte in oblikujte tesnejša prijateljstva z vrstniki in ustvarite močnejše vezi z osebjem,en,Vse to bo delovalo kot socialni in čustveni temelj za gradnjo vsega drugega,en,Dodatna „posebna področja“ učnega načrta,en,Teče vzporedno z,en,glavna območja,en,obstajajo,en,Dodatna področja osredotočenosti za vrtce, kot je Roxeth,en,ki se držijo odličnega okvira EYFS za svoj učni načrt zgodnjih let,en,je prva od preostalih štirih območij,en,Učnega načrta žal primanjkuje, če otroci na koncu študije ne bi na koncu pisme,en,Pismenost je popolnoma temeljna in bo vsakemu majhnemu otroku dala najboljši začetek, ko zapustijo nastavitve zgodnjih let, da začnejo šolo,en,Na obrazu,en,Vse je v branju in pisanju,en,Vendar,en. All of this will act as a social and emotional foundation to build everything else upon.

The 4 Additional ‘Specific Areas’ of the Curriculum

Running in parallel with the 3 prime areas, there are 4 additional areas of focus for nurseries like Roxeth, which adhere to the excellent EYFS framework for their early years curriculum.

  • Literacy is the first of the remaining four areas of focus. A curriculum would be sadly lacking if children didn’t end up literate at the end of study. Literacy is absolutely fundamental and will give each young child the very best start when they leave early years settings to start school. On the face of it, it’s all about reading and writing. However, Pridobivanje te pravice bo pomagalo pri mnogih,en,drugi,en,Področja učenja,en,Pri Roxethu,en,Otrokom v drevesnici spodbujamo, da,en,uživajte,en,od branja,en,Konec koncev,en,Ko bodo lahko brali,en,Tako,en,imajo dostop do širokega,en,bogata raznolikost gradiva za branje,en,Slovnica,en,črkovanje,en,ločila,en,Fonetika in splošno razumevanje ogromnih različnih tem bosta vse skupaj z aktivnim in rednim branjem.,en,Na podoben način,en,Tudi pisanje bo koristilo,en,Ko se otroci naučijo prepoznati pravilen črkovanje,en,sestava in stavčna struktura in tako naprej,en,Izpostavljenost našim bogato raznolikostjo knjig bo nahranila svoje domišljije in jim pomagala, da bodo sami bolj kreativni,en other areas of learning. At Roxeth, we encourage nursery children to take enjoyment from reading. After all, once they can read they will understand so much more about the world from non-fiction material and so much more about the possibilities of the imagination and creativity from fiction books. So, they have access to a wide, rich variety of reading materials. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, phonetics and overall comprehension of a huge variety of topics will all go hand-in-hand with active and regular reading. In a similar way, writing will benefit too, as the children learn to recognise the correct spelling, composition and sentence structure and so on. Exposure to our rich variety of books will feed their imaginations and help them to be more creative themselves. Tudi svoje otroke spodbujamo k verbalnemu,en,na primer tako, da na glasno preberete sebi in drugim na interaktiven način,en,S tem,en,govor,en,Izgovorjava in artikulacija tudi koristita,en,kot tudi njihovo zaupanje, da spregovorijo,en,je naše peto področje študija v učnem načrtu Core EYFS pri Roxethu,en,To je še ena temeljna veščina, ki se je morajo otroci naučiti, vendar,en,Kot pri vsem pri Roxethu,en,Zabavamo ga,en,Skozi igranje in interaktivne seje,en,Otroci se bodo naučili konceptov matematike,en,Kmalu se naučimo razlikovati stvari, kot so nenavadne in celo številke,en,Številčni vzorci in zaporedja,en,koncepti kot,en,večji,en,manjši,en,širši,en,višji,en,več,en,manj,en,Štetje bo najprej obvladano od enega do deset,en,nato v vzvratno,en,nato razširjen na,en,ali več,en,Koncepti, kot je glasnost,en,oblika,en,Vključena bo tudi merjenje in prostor,en, for example by reading out loud to themselves and others in an interactive way. By so doing, speech, pronunciation and articulation also benefit, as does their confidence to speak up.
  • Mathematics is our fifth area of study within the core EYFS curriculum at Roxeth. It’s another fundamental skill that children need to learn but, as with everything at Roxeth, we make it fun. Through play and interactive sessions, children will learn the concepts behind mathematics, soon learning to distinguish things like odd and even numbers, number patterns and sequences, concepts like larger or smaller, wider or taller and more or less. Counting will first be mastered from one to ten, then in reverse, then extended to 20 or more. Concepts like volume, shape, measuring and space will also be included. So, do trenutka, ko zapustijo naša zgodnja leta,en,Naučili so se potrebnih matematičnih veščin in konceptov, ki jih bodo potrebovali, da bi udarili po tleh, ko bodo začeli šolanje,en,Razumevanje sveta,en,je naše šesto ključno področje osredotočenosti znotraj učnega načrta v vrtcu Roxeth,en,To je zelo široko, a pomembno področje študija za majhne otroke v vrtcu in eno, ki jih bo dobro postavilo naprej,en,Toliko je okoli njih in to morajo razumeti in dati vse, kar vidijo,en,S tem v mislih,en,Pomagali jim bomo prepoznati,en,razumeti,en,Opišite in celo včasih narišite tisto, kar je takoj okoli njih,en,Spoznali bodo tudi tehnologijo, ki jo vidijo in uporabljajo okoli njih,en, they’ll have learnt the requisite maths skills and concepts that they’ll need in order to hit the ground running when they start school.
  • Understanding the World is our sixth key area of focus within the curriculum at Roxeth Nursery. It’s a very broad but important area of study for the young children at the nursery and one that’ll stand them in good stead going forwards. After all, there is so much around them and they need to understand it and to give everything they see context. With that in mind, we’ll help them to recognise, understand, describe and even sometimes draw what’s immediately around them. They will also learn about the technology they see and use around them. Naš ljubki vrt otrokom daje dovolj priložnost, da spoznajo naravni svet ter floro in favno v bližini,en,Spoznali bodo tudi druge skupnosti,en,tako v Veliki Britaniji kot v tujini,en,vključno z vidiki, kot je kultura,en,prepričanja in religije,en,Ponovno,en,odlično ozemljitev,en,v tako zgodnji mladosti,en,V razumevanju sveta jih bo postalo v velikem koraku naprej,en,Izrazna umetnost,en,Oblikovanje,en,je končno področje osredotočenosti znotraj našega učnega načrta EYFS,en,To je tudi eno od področij, za katere se otroci najbolj zabavajo, saj jim daje svobodo, da se izrazijo,en,Bodite domiselni in ustvarjalni,en,In celo, da se občasno nereš,en,Široko paleto medijev,en,Oprema in orodja so jim na voljo v vrtcu in dejavnosti spodbujajo otroke, naj se vključijo in,en,Ustvari,en. They will also learn about other communities, both in the UK and abroad, including aspects like culture, beliefs and religions. Once again, having an excellent grounding, at such an early age, in the comprehension of the world will stand them in great stead going forwards.
  • Expressive Arts & Design is the final area of focus within our EYFS led curriculum. It’s also one of the areas that children find most fun as it gives them the freedom to express themselves, be imaginative and creative, and even to get messy from time to time. A wide variety of media, equipment and tools are available to them at the nursery and activities encourage the children to get involved and to create. To ni samo umetnost,en,čeprav,en,Otroci se lahko vključijo v dejavnosti igranja vlog,en,lahko pojejo,en,ples,en,pripovedovati zgodbe in nastopiti,en,Njihove domišljije lahko sprožijo nemire in so svobodne, saj lahko izrazijo sebe in svojo ustvarjalnost na bogate različne načine,en,Sledimo učnemu načrtu za zgodnja leta Fundacija v naši vrtcu,en,Ali tukaj,en,A-vodnik za svoje otroke, ki se ujemajo in razvijajo,en,Učni načrt LED EYFS v Roxethu v veliki meri pomaga, da jim pomagajo, da bodo 'pripravljeni na šolo' do trenutka, ko dosežejo pet let,en,Otrokom daje tudi,en,Najboljši začetek v življenju,en,na splošno,en,Vsaka podpora jim je dana, da izpolnijo svoje osebne najboljše,en,dosegajo svoj optimalni potencial na vsakem študijskem področju,en,S pomočjo prilagojenega postavljanja ciljev,en,To, da se na ta način že zgodaj,en,večina formativnih let,en, though; the children can involve themselves in role-play activities, they can sing, dance, tell stories and perform. Their imaginations can run riot and be free as they can express themselves and their creativity in a rich variety of ways.


Curriculum ImplementationStaff plan and develop activities that build on prior learning. Progress from week to week, term to term and year to year should be clear and children should be able to talk about their learning in an age appropriate way. We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum in our Nursery, Pre-School and Reception classes.

We have designed a progressive curriculum outlined here… ++ Roxeth Progressive Curriculum

Te povezave pojasnjujejo eyfs,en,All-About-the-eyfs-powerpoint-ifujx6,en:



and the following link explains how children develop through it.



The weekly EYFS Topics are shown here… 23-24 Weekly Topic Plan (Final)

24 – 25 Weekly Topic Plan

Razčlenitev tega, kaj se pričakuje, je prikazano tukaj,,en,Izjave o razvojnih zadevah Starosti in faze,,en Development Matters Statements Ages and Stages

Or here…a-guide-to-your-childs-learning-and-development


Curriculum Impact – The impact of our curriculum shows in the outcomes of the pupils. They achieve highly for their age and show confidence and self-control in their social skills. They are eager to learn and have Cultural Capital ensuring they are well prepared for their next stage of education.

The EYFS led curriculum at Roxeth is in large part about helping them to be ‘school-ready’ by the time they reach the age of five. However, it also gives children the very best start in life generally. Every support is given to them to fulfil their own personal bests, reaching their optimum potential in every area of study, through personalised goal-setting. Getting it right in this way during their early, most formative years, dokazano, da močno izboljša rezultate in življenjske možnosti,en,To je neverjetno močan in pomemben pristop k njihovim zgodnjim letom izobraževanja,en,Na kratko,en,Pomaga vsakemu otroku v Roxethu do absolutno,en,uspevati,en. So, it’s an incredibly powerful and important approach to their early years education. In a nutshell, it helps every child at Roxeth to absolutely thrive.

Assessment – V dnevniku EY beležimo dokaze o dosežkih,en. Click here for a parent Guide to the EY Log eyLog for Parents.

Our Curriculum Policy is here… RM Curriculum Policy Revised Jan 2021