
Komunikacija s starši je pomembna,en,Vsak dan komuniciramo prek eylog,en,kjer bodo videli starši,en,fotografije,en,njihovega otroka, ki se ukvarja z zabavnimi dejavnostmi tega dne,en,Pisma in informacije bomo poslali tudi po e -pošti,en,Poleg tega,en,Na koncu vsake polovice objavljamo glasilo,en,Tako lahko starši dobijo okus tega, kar se dogaja v vseh razredih v,en,in kjer objavljamo druga sporočila,en,Kliknite tukaj, če si želite ogledati naša najnovejša glasila,en. We communicate daily through the EYLog, where parents will see photos of their child engaging in the fun activities of the day. We will also send letters and information via email.

In addition, we publish a newsletter at the end of each half term, so parents can get a flavour of what is happening across all classes in the Nursery and where we publish other messages.

Please click here to view our latest newsletters…

++ Roxeth December,,en,Newsletter Final.docx,,en,Roxeth februar,,en,Roxeth April19 Newsletter,,en,Roxeth May,,en 2024

++ Roxeth October 2024

++ Roxeth July 2024

++ Roxeth May 2024