
Under the expert care and supervision of our staff, 我們的嬰兒房,en,學前班和托兒所佔據了Buckholt House的大部分地面和一樓,en,泥廚房,en,沙子遊戲,en,水玩耍,en,三輪車,en,平衡自行車,en, pre-school and nursery occupies most of the ground and first floor of Buckholt House.

We follow the Early Years Foundation 課程 and is also an integral part of the school and shares the same high standards.

Children are accepted from the age of three months.

Our nursery classes provide for:

  • Communication and language
  • Physical development
  • Personal social and emotional development
  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the world
  • Expressive arts and design

我們的安全和隱蔽的理由報價: 戶外玩耍 – 幻燈片, 攀岩幀, mud kitchen, sand play, water play, 推汽車, 滑板車, tricycles, balance bikes, 嬰兒車, 籃球, 球, 跳繩, 豆袋, 繩索e.t.c的.

我們的幼兒園提供了一種安全, 您孩子的教育和社會發展的快樂的基礎。.