У студзені,en,Мы дадалі сэнсарную залу,en,Калі ласка, прыходзьце і паглядзіце,en,Мы таксама прапануем дапамогу ў школьныя канікулы,en,дазваляючы круглы год клапаціцца пра бацькоў, якія гэта маюць патрэбу ў гэтым,en,Дзеці прыносяць спакаваны абед,en,альбо тэрмас з гарачай ежай,en,Мы таксама можам награваць вячэры для дзяцей ці малых, якія купляюцца ў краме,en,Звярніце ўвагу, што Roxeth Mead - гэта зона без арэхаў, таму не ўключыце арэхі або арэхі, напрыклад,,en,Нутэла,en,У школьным абедзе ў вашым дзіцяці,en,Простая форма,en,У нас няма афіцыйнай ацэнкі,en,Але мы сустракаемся з вашым дзіцем перад уездам,en,Калі месца прапануецца, павінна быць запоўнена форма прыняцця, а дэпазіт у памеры 500 фунтаў стэрлінгаў,en,Дзеці дасягаюць высокай сувязі з адпраўнымі пунктамі з -за нашага якаснага выкладання і невялікіх памераў класаў,en 2023, we added a sensory room, where the pupils can explore light, sound and texture in a risk free environment. Please come and have a look.
- The school year is divided into three terms of approximately eleven weeks each. We also offer care during the school holidays, allowing all year round care for parents who need this.
- Progress reports are given towards the end of every term.
- We operate an “open-door” policy, staff being available to talk to parents any morning before school or after school.
- For lunch, children bring a packed lunch, or a thermos with hot food. We can also heat up baby or toddler dinners that are shop bought. Milk is supplied mid-morning, if desired. Click тут for some tips on packed lunches. (Please note that Roxeth Mead is a nut free zone so kindly do not include nuts or nut products e.g. Nutella, in your child’s school lunch box).
- Children wear a smart, simple uniform. Uniform List 2023-24
Прыём і ўезд у школу,en
- Registration: A рэгістрацыйны фармуляр must be completed and a fee of £75.00 is payable for registering your child’s details with the school. Completion of the Registration From does not guarantee your child a place.
- Assessment: We do not have a formal assessment, but we do meet with your child before entry.
- Acceptance: When a place is offered an Acceptance Form must be completed and the deposit of £500 paid.
- Failure to compete and return the Acceptance Form, Admission Form including medical information, and deposit by the stated date, may result in the place being offered to someone else on the waiting list.
- Deposit: this will be returned when the child leaves the school, providing there a no debts owing and the correct notice period has been given.
The children achieve highly in relation to starting points due to our quality teaching and small class sizes.
Where to Children go on to?
Children go on to attend a variety of schools from Roxeth Mead including, Орлі Ферма, Haberdashers, Buckingham Prep, Альфа Падрыхтоўка, Buxlow Prep, Reddiford, Quainton Hall and a range of State Schools.
Special Educational Needs or More Able
If you child has Special Educational Needs or is More Able, has an EHCP, or is a child where English is not their first language, please make us aware of this during our admission discussions so that we are fore-warned and can work out the best way to help and support your child.