Ripoti ya ukaguzi

Tulikuwa na ukaguzi Alhamisi 9 Januari,en,Tunafurahi sana kuhukumiwa kuwa mzuri,en,Maoni kutoka kwa ripoti ni pamoja na,en,"Maana kubwa ya umoja inaenea mpangilio huu wa kukuza",en,"Wafanyikazi hubadilisha na uzoefu wa kujifunza kwa ustadi ili kusaidia hatua za watoto za kujifunza",en,"Viongozi na wafanyikazi wamejitolea kutoa huduma bora na kujifunza iwezekanavyo",en,"Mpangilio hutoa kipaumbele cha juu katika kukuza mawasiliano ya watoto na ustadi wa lugha,en,Wafanyikazi wana ustadi mkubwa wa kujibu mahitaji ya mawasiliano ya watoto,en,Watoto wanaelezea mawasiliano,en,ambao hutumia anuwai ya msamiati ”,en,Wafanyikazi wana njia ya utulivu na thabiti ya kusaidia tabia ya watoto ”,en 2025. We are very pleased to be judged as GOOD.

Comments from the report include:

“A strong sense of togetherness pervades this nurturing setting”

“Staff skilfully adapt and tailor learning experiences to support children’s individual stages of learning”

“Leaders and staff are dedicated to providing the best care and learning possible”

“The setting gives high priority to developing children’s communication and language skills. Staff are highly skilled at responding to children’s communication needs. Children are articulate communicators, who use a wide range of vocabulary”

“Staff have a calm and consistent approach to supporting children’s behaviour”

"Ushirikiano na wazazi uko moyoni mwa hii,en,",en,Tunajivunia sana mafanikio haya na kukiri kwa mafundisho bora,en,Kujifunza,en,na msaada ambao hufanyika kila siku huko Roxeth,en,Mafanikio haya hayangewezekana bila msaada unaoendelea na kutia moyo kutoka kwa wazazi wetu,en,na vile vile kazi ngumu ya wafanyikazi wetu wa ajabu na wanafunzi,en,Bonyeza hapa kwa nakala ya ripoti kamili ya ukaguzi,en,Ripoti ya zamani,en nursery

We are incredibly proud of this achievement and the acknowledgment of the excellent teaching, learning, and support that take place every day at Roxeth. This success would not have been possible without the ongoing support and encouragement from our parents, as well as the hard work of our wonderful staff and pupils.

Click here for a copy of the full inspection report Ofsted Report 2025