
Velkommen til Roxeth Mead

Roxeth Mead is a top, Independent Nursery for 0 – 5 year olds in Middle Road, Harrow-on-the-Hill.

We were an Independent School for pupils up to the end of Year 2, but this changed in September 2022, when we decided to focus all our attention on Nursery provision. We are now registered with Ofsted. Registration Number 2698712. See our Ofsted Registration Certificate here…

EY Registration Certificate

Skolen blev grundlagt i 1855 and is situated in Harrow in north-west London in an attractive, konverterede hus og omkringliggende haver, herunder en hård afspilningsområdet. Skolens mål er at maksimere hver elevs potentiale i både deres personlige og faglige udvikling. Skolen roser sig i den kendsgerning, at fordi det er små, det er i stand til at give hver elev den hjælp, det har brug for.

Our last ISI inspection reported:

“The teaching enables pupils to make good progress, encompasses effective behaviour management and is supported by suitable resources”.

“Principles and values are actively promoted which facilitate the personal development of pupils as responsible, tolerant, law abiding citizens”.

“Good behaviour is promoted and bullying prevented”.

The staff and I hope that our website gives you a good overview of Roxeth Mead School. We would welcome you to email us at to make an appointment to come and see us if you want more information.

Fru Suzanne Goodwin,,en,Formand,,en,Fru Sarah MacKintosh,,en,Fru claire blunt,,en Owner

Sarah Mackintosh Skoleleder


The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a piece of EU-wide legislation which determines how people’s personal data is processed and kept safe and the legal rights individuals have in relation to their own data. It applies from 25th May 2018 to all organisations that process or handle personal data, including schools. It is similar to the Data Protection Act (DPA) 1998; most of the differences involve the GDPR building on or strengthening the principles of the DPA. Please contact us for copies of our Data Protection Policy and Privacy Notices or see our Policies Page.
Data Protection Officer – The Data Protection Officer is responsible for overseeing data protection within the School. If you have any questions in this regard, please do contact Mrs Sarah Mackintosh at the school or via



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