Roxeth Mead buruz

Hebe Catherine Aurretik zen alargun en 1855 at the age of 37. Her barrister husband, John, was riding home from his chambers when he fell from his horse and hit his head. Two days later, he died. She had to find a way to support herself and her ten children, so she sold her home and bought Roxeth Mead, bat Harrow in Georgian handi etxea muinoan, eta han sortu zuen eskola txiki bat.

Her pupils were mainly her own children and the children of masters of Harrow School. To this day, eskolako oraindik bere ikasleen Harrow maisuen artean zenbakiak’ seme-alabak.

Eskola eta thrived, Mrs Aurretik hazi gisa zaharragoak, four of her daughters took over its organisation. The youngest, Florentzia (Miss Flo gisa ezagutzen), retired in 1932. The school was fortunate enough to pass into the capable hands of Miss Nicholson (Miss Nick gisa ezagutzen), nork bere burua izan zen hil zen arte baino gehiago 30 urte geroago.

Zenbait urtez eskolako zen Mrs Eleanor Elgood eskutik, followed by Mrs Jean Vernon. Then, urtean 1982, Mrs Averil Collins buru bihurtu, post bat ospatu zuen 24 years. During her tenure, eskolako lokalak izan zela ikusi ahal izan du bere etxea utzi behar 130 years. Harrow School came to the rescue, aldi baterako ostatua emateko 3 bere forma seigarren Kluba urte.

Urtean 1992, fortuna ona kolpe bat, the neighbouring property to the original house called Roxeth Mead, came onto the market and the school was able to buy Buckholt House, bere gaur egungo etxeko.

Mrs Alison Isaacs became its new Head in 2006. Under her leadership, the school continued to flourish, Iraganeko ohiturak mantenduz besarkatzen garapen berriak eta aurrera begira, etorkizunean. Mrs Isaacs retired as the Headteacher in July 2018, but remains at the school as a teacher, part-time.

In April 2018 the Proprietors sold the school to Mrs Suzanne Goodwin (the Headteacher of The Hall School, Northwood) who now manages it with her two daughters, Mrs Sarah Mackintosh and Mrs Claire Blunt. Handik gutxira,en,Adin-tartea haurtxoak sartzeko luzatu zen,en,Eskolako aurrez prestatutako atala ez zen jada bideragarria eta eskola orain besterik ez da,en,-ra,en,urte bitartekoak,en,horniketa,en, the age range was extended to include babies.

Urtean 2022, the Pre-Prep section of the school was no longer viable and the school now caters for just 0 to 5 year olds as a Haurtzaindegia provision.