
ROXETH MEAD ESKOLAKO TASAK,,en,ROXETH MEAD ESKOLAKO TASAK Udazkeneko epea berrikusia,,en,berria,,en

There are always 33 weeks in a year.

Epe orduak,en,Gosari kluba,en,am 8.30am,en,Goizeko saioa,en,naiz,en,bat,so,Arratsaldeko saioa,en,Eguna 3.00etatik 300etara,en,Eskola klubaren ondoren,en,pm 16:00,en,Eskola klubaren ondoren luzatua,en,PM 14: 00etatik,en,Irailetik aurrera,en,Gure tasak pixka bat handituko dira,en,Roxeth Mead tasak irailetik,en,Oporretan opor-kluba eskaintzen dugu opor bakoitzerako,en,kostu gehigarrian,en,Horrek gurasoei lan egiten die urte osoan zehar, behar izanez gero,en,itxita gauden asteak,en,asteak Gabonetan eta astebetean abuztuaren amaieran udako oporretan,en,Banku opor guztietarako itxita gaude eta,en,Langileen prestakuntza egunak,en:

Breakfast Club – 8am to 8.30am
Morning session – 8.30am – 12.00 midday
Afternoon session – 12.00 midday to 3.00pm
After School Club – 3.00pm to 4pm
Extended after School Club – 4pm to 5pm

Click here for our fees


We offer holiday club from 8am to 4pm for each holiday, at additional cost. This gives working parents all year round care should they need it. There are 3 weeks that we are closed – 2 weeks at Christmas and one week at the end of August in the Summer holiday. We are closed for all Bank Holidays and for 5 staff training days a year.