Orrialde hau erabili genuen pandemian,en,baina baliabideak utzi dituzte hemen,en,Gurasoek etxean egiteko baliabide batzuk izan nahi badituzte,en, but have left the resources here, should parents want to have some resources to do at home.
Remote Learning Policy Roxeth January 2021
Etxetik lan egiten,,en,Erronka handiko garai hauetan,,en,ahaleginak egiten ari gara gurasoei lan egokia emateko giltzapean gauden bitartean haurren heziketa mantentzeko,,en,Iradokizun ugari bidali dizkizugu posta elektronikoz,,en,baina erabaki dut informazio hori guztia leku bakarrean biltzea,,en,errazagoa izan dadin,,en,Edozein unetan zalantzarik baduzu,,en,bidali mezu elektroniko bat info@roxethmead.com helbidera,,en,Hungry Little Minds webgunea,,en,Circus Topic w.b.20.04.2020,,en,Gai ezaguna,,en,bereziki gure ikasle gazteenentzat egokituta,,en,Gozatu,,en,Dinosaur Topic for our Younger Pupils w.b,,en,Dinosauroak,,en,Espazio Gaia gure ikasle gazteentzako w.b,,en,Espazioa,,en,Espazio Gaiaren Lan Koadernoa EYFS,,en,Piraten gaia gure ikasle gazteenekin w.b,,en,Piratak,,en,Matematikako lan-koadernoa,,en,Zenbakia Bonuak,,en,Lan-koadernoa,,en,Zenbakiak,,en,Jardueren liburuxka,,en,Formen lan-koadernoa,,en,LH Eguneko jarduerak,,en,LH Jarduerak,,en – During the COVID pandemic we are doing our best to provide parents with suitable work to maintain the education of the children whilst we are in lockdown. We have emailed a lot of suggestions to you, but have decided to collate all this information in one place, here, to make it easier for you. If you have any questions at any time, email us at info@roxethmead.com.
Circus Topic w.b.20.04.2020 – A popular topic, particularly tailored for our younger pupils. Enjoy!
Dinosauroen gaia gure ikasle gazteenentzat Egin klik hemen,,en,Espazio Gaia gure ikasle gazteentzako Egin klik hemen,,en… Dinosaurs
Space Topic for our Younger Pupils Click here… Space
Pirate Topic for our Younger Pupils w.b. 11.05.2020 Click here…. Pirates
Numbers to 10 Activity Booklet
VE Day activities. Click here… VE Activities
How to Support your Child with Home Learning
Online Safety During School Closures
Fun ideas to try with kids at home
High Frequency word handwriting
Early Reading Comprehension Activity
Phase 2 Phonics activity booklet
Phase 2 Phonics Tricky word activity booklet
Phase 3 Phonics activity booklet
Phase 4 Phonics activity booklet
Phase 5 Phonics Activity Booklet
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