
In 2022, Pärast pandeemiat,en,Vanemate laste jaoks ei olnud enam elujõuline ja me lõpetasime aastast pakkumise,en,Keskendame nüüd oma asjatundlikku hooldust ja juhendamist oma imikutele,en,väikelapsed,en,koolieelikud ja lasteaialapsed,en,Pärast seda,en,Meie lasteaiast said lapsed oma valitud koha vastuvõtuaastaks,en,Kõik õpilased, kes taotlesid viimastel aastatel sõltumatuid koole, sealhulgas Orley Farm,en,Haberdasherid või Quinton Hall,en,pakuti kohta,en,Meil on,en,vanuserühmad,en,Beebid,en,Lepatriinuklass,en,Vanus 3 kuud kuni 18 kuud,en,hai,en,Libliklass,en,Vanus 18 kuud,en,aastat,en,Eelkooliealised,en,Papagoi klass,en,Vanus,en,aastaid,en,Tiigriklass,en,Aasta enne vastuvõtuaastat,en,Õues,en,Meil on ka suur aed ja erinevad mängupiirkonnad, mis võimaldavad meil iga -aastast spordipäev, kus kutsume vanemaid,en, it was no longer viable to provide for older children and we ceased provision for Year 1 and 2 pupils. We now concentrate our expert care and supervision on our babies, toddlers, pre-schoolers and nursery children. Since 2022, 100% of our Nursery age children got a place of their choice for Reception Year. All pupils who applied for Independent Schools in recent years including Orley Farm, Haberdashers or Quainton Hall, were offered a place.

We have 4 age groups:

Babies (Ladybird Class) Age 3months to 18months approx.

Toddlers (Butterfly Class) Age 18months to 2.5 years approx.

Pre-Schoolers (Parrot Class) Age 2.5 years to 3.5 years approx.

Lastetuba (Tiger Class) Age 3.5 years to 4.5 years approx. – the year before Reception year

Outdoors – We also have a large garden and different play areas enabling us to have an annual sports day where we invite parents…


We follow the Early Years Foundation Curriculum and is also an integral part of the school and shares the same high standards.

Children are accepted from the age of three months.

Our nursery classes provide for:

  • Communication and language
  • Physical development
  • Personal social and emotional development
  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the world
  • Expressive arts and design

Our safe and secluded grounds offer: outdoor play – slides, climbing-frames, mud kitchen, sand play, water play, push cars, scooters, tricycles, balance bikes, prams, hoops, balls, skipping, bean-bags, ropes e.t.c.

Our nursery provides a secure, happy foundation for your child’s educational and social development.