Þegar okkar,en,Nemendur fara á aldrinum,en,Þeir komast áfram í fjölda mismunandi skóla,en,Bæði ríkisskólar og sjálfstæðir skólar fyrir móttökuna,en,Flestir nemendur okkar fara í Orley Farm School,en,Sem er nánasti sjálfstæðisskólinn okkar,en,Aðrir fara til Haberdashers,en,St Helens,en,St Johns,en,Quainton Hall og inn í ríkisgeirann,en,af nemendum sem sækja um Orley Farm School í síðasta,en,ár hafa tryggt sér stað,en Nursery pupils leave at age 4, they progress on to a number of different schools, both State Schools and Independent Schools for their Reception year.
Most of our pupils go to Orley Farm School, which is our closest Independent School, others go to Haberdashers, St Helens, St Johns, Quainton Hall and into the state sector.
100% of pupils applying for Orley Farm School in the last 8 years have secured a place.