Sub îngrijirea și supravegherea expertă a personalului nostru,,en,grădinița și grădinița noastră ocupă cea mai mare parte a parterului Buckholt House,,en, Camera noastră pentru bebeluși,en,Preșcolar și pepinieră ocupă cea mai mare parte a solului și la primul etaj al casei Buckholt,en,Bucătărie cu noroi,en,joacă de nisip,en,joc de apă,en,tricicluri,en,biciclete de echilibru,en, pre-school and nursery occupies most of the ground and first floor of Buckholt House.
We follow the Early Years Foundation Curriculum and is also an integral part of the school and shares the same high standards.
Children are accepted from the age of three months.
Our nursery classes provide for:
- Communication and language
- Physical development
- Personal social and emotional development
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding the world
- Expressive arts and design
Our safe and secluded grounds offer: outdoor play – slides, climbing-frames, mud kitchen, sand play, water play, push cars, scooters, tricycles, balance bikes, prams, hoops, balls, skipping, bean-bags, ropes e.t.c.
Our nursery provides a secure, happy foundation for your child’s educational and social development.