Quotes from parents…
We are absolutely delighted with our experience at the Roxeth Mead nursery and cannot express enough how pleased we are with the care, support, and dedication shown by the staff. The nurturing environment fosters not only learning but also emotional and social development, ensuring the children feel safe, valued, and encouraged to grow. The staff are attentive, kind, and highly skilled, always going the extra mile to meet individual needs. Communication with parents is excellent, keeping us informed and involved in our child’s progress. The regular photographs sent through the EYLog app are lovely as parents can see what the children are getting up to. The nursery’s facilities are also well-maintained, with engaging activities and resources that spark curiosity and creativity. January 2025
My son has been cared for by the Roxeth staff for over two years. Over this time, he has received exemplary care and early education. He absolutely adores his nursery and his teachers and is always excited to attend. I cannot praise the people who have taught and looked after him in sufficiently strong terms. Faced with a situation where childcare was an imperative, we were keen that he gained an understanding of education and schooling in his earliest years where he would come to associate school with a notion that education is nice, enjoyable and important. This is happening in spades. My son is learning to interact well with others, recites songs and nursery rhymes and gets on well with children and adults of all different ethnicities and nationalities. He loves books and reading, is developing an extensive vocabulary and is becoming well set up for school. January 2025
- Anul școlar este împărțit în trei termeni de aproximativ douăsprezece săptămâni fiecare.
- Rapoartele de progres sunt date o dată pe un termen la sfârșitul fiecărui termen,,en,personalul fiind disponibil pentru a vorbi cu părinții după-amiaza după școală,,en.
- Ne desfășurăm o politică "ușilor deschise", staff being available to talk to parents any afternoon after school.
- Copiii aduce un prânz la pachet pentru a mânca sub supraveghere. Laptele este furnizat la mijlocul dimineții, dacă se dorește.
- Copiii purta o uniformă simplă care poate fi obținut la nivel local.
- Clic aici pentru unele sfaturi cu privire la prânzul la pachet. (Vă rugăm să rețineți că Roxeth Mead este o zonă liberă piuliță, astfel rugăm nu includ nuci în caseta de prânz școala copilului dumneavoastră).