当我们的时候,en,学生年龄离开,en,他们进入了许多不同的学校,en,州立学校和独立学校,en,我们的大多数学生都去奥利农场学校,en,其他人去哈伯达什人,en,圣海伦斯,en,圣约翰斯,en,奎恩顿·霍尔和罗克斯小学,en,入口,en,pre,en,大流行,en,下面的数据是历史性的,en 托儿所 pupils leave at age 4, they progress on to a number of different schools, 大学学校和独立学校的接待年度,en,这是我们最近的独立学校,en,贵族霍尔和进入国家部门,en,上次申请奥利农场学校的学生,en,年份确保了一个地方,en.
Most of our pupils go to Orley Farm School, which is our closest Independent School, others go to Haberdashers, St Helens, St Johns, Quainton Hall and into the state sector.
100% of pupils applying for Orley Farm School in the last 8 years have secured a place.