
罗克思米德学校费用,,en,ROXETH MEAD 学校费用 秋季学期修订,,en,新的,,en

我们提供的,en,学期数周,en,我们跟随独立学校,en,术语日期,en,假期俱乐部的几周,en 48 weeks a year. 33 weeks in term time (we follow Independent School term dates) 和 15 weeks of holiday club provision.


Breakfast Club – 8am to 8.30am
Morning session – 8.30am – 12.00 midday
Afternoon session – 12.00 midday to 3.00pm
After School Club – 3.00pm to 4pm
Extended after School Club – 4pm to 5pm

We can offer provision to 5.30pm or 6pm, this needs to be agreed in advance with the Headteacher.

点击此处以获取我们的费用,en… ROXETH MEAD FEES Academic Year 2024-25 (2)

我们从上午8点至下午4点提供假日俱乐部,en,每个假期的下午,en,夏季假期八月底的几周,en / 5pm for each holiday, at additional cost. This gives working parents all year round care should they need it. There are 4 weeks that we are closed – 2 weeks at Christmas and 2 weeks at the end of August in the Summer holiday. We are closed for all Bank Holidays and for 5 staff training days a year.



The Government funds Local Authorities to offer subsidised early education places in settings inspected by Ofsted. We fully participate in offering your child 15 或 30 hours’ subsidised childcare per week. The money we claim from the Local Authority will be taken off your bill. Currently, this will commence the term after your child becomes eligible for funding. Local Authority conditions apply. Extended funding for eligible parents will be rolled out in phases in line with government criteria:

From April 2024, working parents of children aged 2 will be able to access 15 hours subsidised childcare.

从9月开始,en,我们的费用将略有增加到,en,罗克斯·米德(Roxeth Mead)从9月起,en 2024, working parents of children aged 9 months and above will be able to access 15 hours subsidised childcare.

从9月开始,en,我们的费用将略有增加到,en,罗克斯·米德(Roxeth Mead)从9月起,en 2025, working parents of children aged 9 months and above will be entitled to 30 hours subsidised childcare per week.

Funded Early Education entitlement commences the term after they become eligible.

To qualify for the 9 月份加上每个父母的资金,en,或一个孤独的父母家庭中的唯一父母,en,需要赚钱,en,平均,en,至少相当于,en,每周最低工资的小时数,每年不超过100,000英镑,en,自己,en,如果符合平均收入标准,en,要了解更多信息,请访问,en,育儿选择,en,网站,en,当我们参加,en,小时补贴的资助早期教育的资金权利这不能保证一个地方的可用性,en,免税育儿,en,已注册以接受免税托儿帐户中的付款,en,免税托儿服务是雇主育儿凭证计划的更容易获得的替代品,可在支付您的托儿所费用时可节省税收储蓄,en (or the sole parent in a lone parent family) will need to earn, on average, at least the equivalent of 16 hours on the national minimum wage per week and no more than £100,000 per year. Self- employed parents and parents on zero-hours contracts will be eligible if they meet the average earnings criteria.

To find out more please visit the Childcare Choices website. https://www.childcarechoices.gov.uk/

Please note: Whilst we participate in 15 和 30 hours subsidised funded entitlement to Early Years Education this does not guarantee the availability of a place.

Tax-Free Childcare

Roxeth米德 托儿所 is registered to accept payments from Tax-Free Childcare accounts. Tax-Free Childcare is a more accessible alternative to the Employer Childcare Voucher scheme offering tax efficient savings when paying for your nursery fees. 免税育儿将向所有合格的父母开放,en,与只能由雇主提供该计划的人购买的育儿代金券不同,en,这是一项计划,政府将每80p存放的80p到20便士,以达到指定的托儿银行帐户,en,每年最多每年2,000英镑,en,可以与,en,小时资金获得早期教育的权利,并将以育儿费用为家庭提供支持,en,找出您是否有资格或获取更多详细信息以及如何注册,en,请访问政府,en,托儿服务,en,托儿凭证,en,我们接受雇主的托儿凭证,en, unlike childcare vouchers which can only be bought by people whose employer offers the scheme. It is a scheme by which the government will top up a designated childcare bank account by 20p for every 80p deposited, up to a maximum of £2,000 per child per year.

Tax-Free Childcare can be used alongside the 15 和 30 hours funded entitlement to Early Years Education and will support families with their childcare costs.

To find out if you are eligible or for more detailed information and how to register, please visit the Government Childcare Service website https://www.gov.uk/get-tax-free-childcare

Childcare Vouchers

We accept Childcare Vouchers from employers who offer this benefit to their eligible employees as an e-voucher. 优惠券是非税收的,并且不受NI的捐款,en,在为雇主提供NI储蓄的同时,en,父母双方都有资格要求他们既有雇用,en, whilst offering NI savings for employers. Both parents are eligible to claim as long as they are both in employment.