與父母的溝通很重要,en,我們每天通過Eylog進行交流,en,父母在哪裡看到,en,相片,en,他們的孩子從事一天的有趣活動,en,我們還將通過電子郵件發送信件和信息,en,此外,en,我們在每個半學期結束時發布新聞通訊,en,因此,父母可以獲得所有班級中正在發生的事情的味道,en,以及我們發布其他消息的位置,en,請單擊此處查看我們的最新新聞通訊,en. We communicate daily through the EYLog, where parents will see photos of their child engaging in the fun activities of the day. We will also send letters and information via email.
In addition, we publish a newsletter at the end of each half term, so parents can get a flavour of what is happening across all classes in the 幼兒園 and where we publish other messages.
Please click here to view our latest newsletters…
++ Roxeth十二月,,en,時事通訊Final.docx,,en 2024