我們在1月9日星期四進行了檢查,en,我們很高興被判斷為好,en,報告的評論包括,en,“一種強烈的團結感瀰漫在這種養育的環境中”,en,“員工熟練地適應和量身定制學習經驗,以支持兒童的個人學習階段”,en,“領導者和員工致力於提供最佳的護理和學習”,en,“設置使發展兒童的溝通和語言技能高度優先,en,員工擅長滿足兒童的溝通需求,en,兒童是溝通者,en,誰使用各種詞彙”,en,員工對支持兒童行為的鎮定和一致的態度”,en 2025. We are very pleased to be judged as GOOD.
Comments from the report include:
“A strong sense of togetherness pervades this nurturing setting”
“Staff skilfully adapt and tailor learning experiences to support children’s individual stages of learning”
“Leaders and staff are dedicated to providing the best care and learning possible”
“The setting gives high priority to developing children’s communication and language skills. Staff are highly skilled at responding to children’s communication needs. Children are articulate communicators, who use a wide range of vocabulary”
“Staff have a calm and consistent approach to supporting children’s behaviour”
“與父母的伙伴關係是這一點的核心,en,透明,en,我們為這項成就和對出色教學的認可感到非常自豪,en,學習,en,每天在羅克斯(Roxeth)舉行的支持,en,沒有我們父母的持續支持和鼓勵,這一成功是不可能的,en,以及我們出色的員工和學生的辛勤工作,en,單擊此處獲取完整檢查報告的副本,en,Ofsted報告,en nursery”
We are incredibly proud of this achievement and the acknowledgment of the excellent teaching, learning, and support that take place every day at Roxeth. This success would not have been possible without the ongoing support and encouragement from our parents, as well as the hard work of our wonderful staff and pupils.
Click here for a copy of the full inspection report Ofsted Report 2025