
We used this page during the pandemic, but have left the resources here, should parents want to have some resources to do at home.

Remote Learning Policy Roxeth January 2021

居家辦公,,en,在這個充滿挑戰的時代,,en,我們正在盡力為父母提供適當的工作,以在我們處於禁閉狀態時保持孩子的教育,,en,我們已經給您發送了很多建議,,en,但已決定將所有這些信息集中在一個地方,,en,讓您更輕鬆,,en,如果您有任何問題,,en,給我們發電子郵件info@roxethmead.com,,en,飢餓的小心靈網站,,en,馬戲團主題w.b.20.04.2020,,en,熱門話題,,en,特別為我們的小學生量身定制,,en,請享用,,en,我們的小學生的恐龍主題點擊這裡,,en,恐龍,,en,我們的小學生的太空主題請點擊這裡,,en,空間,,en,太空主題工作簿EYFS,,en,w.b的小學生海盜主題,,en,海盜,,en,數學練習冊,,en,編號鍵,,en,工作簿,,en,號碼,,en,活動手冊,,en,形狀工作簿,,en,VE Day活動,,en,VE活動,,en – 在COVID大流行期間,我們會盡力為父母提供適當的工作,以在我們處於禁閉狀態時保持對孩子的教育,en. We have emailed a lot of suggestions to you, but have decided to collate all this information in one place, 這裡, to make it easier for you. If you have any questions at any time, email us at info@roxethmead.com.

Hungry Little Minds website

Circus Topic w.b.20.04.2020 – A popular topic, particularly tailored for our younger pupils. Enjoy!

Dinosaur Topic for our Younger Pupils Click here… Dinosaurs

Space Topic for our Younger Pupils Click here… Space

Space Theme Workbook EYFS

Pirate Topic for our Younger Pupils w.b. 11.05.2020 Click here…. Pirates

Maths Workbook

Number Bonds to 10 Workbook

Numbers to 10 Activity Booklet

Shapes workbook

VE Day activities. Click here… VE Activities

根據您家裡可能有的熱門書籍進行的活動,,en,如何通過家庭學習來支持您的孩子,,en,在線學習網站,,en,停課期間的在線安全,,en,應對日曆,,en,書中,,en,數學因素,,en,讀寫公司拼音視頻,,en,分享讀書之愛,,en,喬威克斯鍛煉,,en,Tumble Tots鏈接,,en,可以和孩子們一起在家玩的有趣想法,,en,手寫腳本,,en,鉛筆控制,,en,信形成工作書,,en,號碼形成工作簿,,en,高頻單詞手寫,,en,早期閱讀理解活動,,en,相,,en,拼音活動手冊,,en,Phonics Tricky單詞活動手冊,,en,拼音活動手冊,,en,t-tp-2549365-eyfs-育兒學校關閉家庭學習資源包_ver_3,,en,t-tp-2549362-eyfs-學校停課-家庭學習資源-pack_ver_4,,en,t-e-2549910 1年級學校關閉家庭學習資源包_ver_4,,en,T-E-2549911,,en,2年級學校休假-家庭學習資源包_ver_4,,en,復活節彩蛋鉛筆控制,,en

How to Support your Child with Home Learning

Websites for online learning

Online Safety During School Closures

Coping Calendar

20 Books in 2020

The Maths Factor

Read Write Inc Phonics Videos

Sharing the love of Reading

Joe Wicks Workout

Tumble Tots links

Fun ideas to try with kids at home

Handwriting Script


Letter formation work book

Number formation workbook

High Frequency word handwriting

Early Reading Comprehension Activity

Phase 2 Phonics activity booklet

Phase 2 Phonics Tricky word activity booklet

Phase 3 Phonics activity booklet

Phase 4 Phonics activity booklet

Phase 5 Phonics Activity Booklet





Easter Egg pencil control


CVC and CCVC worksheet


Year 1 Activities


Other Helpful Sites:



BBC Bitesize Daily Lessons

Maths – White Rose