
Mirë se vini në Mead Roxeth

Shkolla Roxeth Mead është një e pavarur,en,moshë e moshuar,en,Ne ishim një shkollë e pavarur për nxënësit deri në fund të vitit,en,Por kjo ndryshoi në shtator,en,Kur vendosëm të përqendrojmë gjithë vëmendjen tonë në sigurimin e çerdhes,en,Tani jemi regjistruar me Ofsted,en,Numrin e regjistrimit,en,Shihni Certifikatën tonë të Regjistrimit Ofsted këtu,en,Certifikata e Regjistrimit të EY,en,Raportuar inspektimi ynë i fundit i ISI,en Fidanishte for 0 – 5 year olds.

We were an Independent School for pupils up to the end of Year 2, but this changed in September 2022, when we decided to focus all our attention on Nursery provision. We are now registered with Ofsted. Registration Number 2698712. See our Ofsted Registration Certificate here…

EY Registration Certificate

Shkolla është themeluar në 1859 and is situated in Harrow in north-west London in an attractive, shtëpinë e konvertuar dhe kopshtet përreth, duke përfshirë një zonë të vështirë të luajë. The school’s aim is to maximise each pupil’s potential in both their personal and academic development. The school prides itself in the fact that because it is small, it is able to give each pupil the help it needs.

Our last ISI inspection reported:

“The teaching enables pupils to make good progress, encompasses effective behaviour management and is supported by suitable resources”.

“Principles and values are actively promoted which facilitate the personal development of pupils as responsible, tolerant, law abiding citizens”.

“Good behaviour is promoted and bullying prevented”.

The staff and I hope that our website gives you a good overview of Roxeth Mead School. Ne do të ju mirëpresim të na kontaktoni ose të bëjë një takim që do të vijnë dhe të na shohin në qoftë se ju doni më shumë informacion. You can always keep up to date with school news and activities by visiting our Twitter feed.

Mrs Suzanne Goodwin Owner & Drejtor

Mrs Sarah Mackintosh Co-Headteacher


The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a piece of EU-wide legislation which determines how people’s personal data is processed and kept safe and the legal rights individuals have in relation to their own data. It applies from 25th May 2018 to all organisations that process or handle personal data, including schools. It is similar to the Data Protection Act (DPA) 1998; most of the differences involve the GDPR building on or strengthening the principles of the DPA. Please na kontaktoni for copies of our Data Protection Policy and Privacy Notices or see our Policies Page.

Data Protection Officer – The Data Protection Officer is responsible for overseeing data protection within the School. If you have any questions in this regard, please do contact Mrs Sarah Mackintosh at the school or via slmackintosh@sky.com



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